Hill Climb Racing 2 Wiki

Το Adventure mode είναι το «παλιό σχολείο» Hill Climb Racing mode. Εδώ μπορείτε να δοκιμάσετε τις δεξιότητές σας στα αγαπημένα σας οχήματα και να δείτε πόσο μακριά μπορείτε να πάτε χωρίς συντριβή ή εξάντληση καυσίμων. Έχετε ό, τι χρειάζεται για να κερδίσετε μια θέση στους βαθμολογικούς πίνακες; Παίξτε με τους καλύτερους παίκτες στον κόσμο!

Καύσιμα[ | ]


Στη λειτουργία περιπέτειας, η διαχείριση καυσίμων παίζει βασικό ρόλο στο πόσο μακριά μπορείτε να οδηγήσετε.

Καθώς οδηγείτε το μετρητή καυσίμου θα εξαντληθεί αργά (θυμηθείτε ότι όλα τα οχήματα έχουν δεξαμενές καυσίμου διαφορετικού μεγέθους)

Όταν εξαντλείται το καύσιμο, θα σταματήσετε και θα τελειώσει το παιχνίδι - Αλλά μπορείτε να επεκτείνετε το τρέξιμο συλλέγοντας τα κόκκινα δοχεία καυσίμου για να γεμίσετε το καύσιμο σας κατά τη διάρκεια.

Σημείωση: Ο εξοπλισμός του Tuning Part Afterburner σε ένα όχημα θα αυξήσει την κατανάλωση καυσίμου κατά την επιτάχυνση. Το ίδιο συμβαίνει όταν εξοπλίζετε τους προωθητήρες και τους χρησιμοποιείτε!

Νομίσματα[ | ]


Μπορείτε να συλλέξετε κέρματα κατά τη διάρκεια της περιπέτειας που θα σας επιτρέψει να αγοράσετε επιπλέον οχήματα, περιπέτειες, αναβαθμίσεις και άλλα καλούδια.

Υπάρχουν επίσης δύο είδη ειδικών σάκων κερμάτων που κερδίζετε την πρώτη φορά που θα φτάσετε σε ένα ορόσημο απόστασης:

1) Τσάντες "συνολικής καλύτερης απόστασης" (OBD):

Την πρώτη φορά που θα εξερευνήσετε νέες περιοχές σε οποιονδήποτε χάρτη, ανεξάρτητα από το όχημα που χρησιμοποιείτε, συλλέγετε σάκους OBD κατά τη διαδρομή σας, σε διαστήματα 200 έως 250 μέτρων. Αυτές οι τσάντες OBD μπορούν να αποκτηθούν μόνο μία φορά ανά χάρτη, οπότε ο μόνος τρόπος για να συνεχίσετε να τις παίρνετε είναι να κερδίσετε τους παλιούς συνολικούς δίσκους σας. Μετρήσεις: η πρώτη τσάντα OBD (~ 200 μέτρα από την αρχή) σας δίνει 1.000 νομίσματα και, στη συνέχεια, οι επόμενες τσάντες περιέχουν ένα πρόσθετο ποσό 50 νομισμάτων, δηλαδή 1.050 νομίσματα στα ~ 400m, 1.100 νομίσματα στα ~ 600m, κ.λπ. Η επιβράβευση περιορίζεται στα 3.000 νομίσματα ανά τσάντα OBD.

2) Τσάντες "ειδικά για οχήματα" (από το V.1.23):

Την πρώτη φορά που εξερευνάτε νέες περιοχές σε οποιονδήποτε χάρτη, με οποιοδήποτε όχημα, συλλέγετε VS σάκους κατά μήκος της διαδρομής σας, σε διαστήματα 200 έως 250 μέτρων. Αυτές οι τσάντες VS μπορούν να αποκτηθούν μόνο μία φορά ανά συνδυασμό χάρτη / οχήματος. Μόλις παίξετε έναν συγκεκριμένο χάρτη περιπέτειας με όλα τα διαθέσιμα οχήματα, ο μόνος τρόπος για να συνεχίσετε να παίρνετε τσάντες VS είναι να κερδίσετε τους παλιούς δίσκους σας για συγκεκριμένα οχήματα. Μετρήσεις: η πρώτη τσάντα VS (~ 200m από την αρχή) σας δίνει 100 νομίσματα και, στη συνέχεια, οι επόμενες τσάντες περιέχουν ένα στοιχειώδες ποσό 10 νομισμάτων, δηλαδή 110 νομίσματα στα ~ 400m, 120 νομίσματα στα ~ 600m, κ.λπ. Η ανταμοιβή περιορίζεται στα 300 νομίσματα ανά τσάντα VS.

Παρατήρηση: Την πρώτη φορά που θα εξερευνήσετε νέες περιοχές, δεν θα μπορείτε να συλλέγετε ταυτόχρονα σάκους OBD και VS. Η σειρά προτεραιότητας είναι σάκοι 1-OBD. 2-VS τσάντες.

Παράδειγμα: παίζετε Countryside με το αυτοκίνητο Rally. Στο παρελθόν, ορίσατε τα προσωπικά σας καλύτερα στα 6.000μ, οπότε έχετε ήδη συλλέξει σακούλες OBD έως και 6.000μ. Τώρα θα συλλέξετε σακούλες VS ειδικά για Ράλλυ έως 6.000μ. Από τα 6.000μ και μετά, θα παραλάβετε τις τσάντες OBD (η συλλογή των σάκων VS θα σταματήσει). Την επόμενη φορά που θα ξεπεράσετε τα 6.000μ. Με το αυτοκίνητο του Ράλι, θα λάβετε τις τσάντες VS που "χάσατε" την πρώτη φορά, έως ότου φτάσετε στο καλύτερό σας. Επιπλέον, με την Ενημέρωση 1.36, σας δίνεται η ευκαιρία να διπλασιάσετε όλα τα κέρματα που κερδίζετε σε μια δοκιμή στον χάρτη περιπέτειας όταν προσπαθείτε να εισάγετε τον αντίστοιχο χάρτη. Για να διπλασιάσετε τα κέρματα είτε πρέπει να παρακολουθήσετε μια διαφήμιση είτε μπορείτε να την παραλείψετε με το VIP Subscription. Αφού ολοκληρώσετε την εκτέλεση, τα κέρματα που αποκτήσατε θα εμφανίζονται στα αριστερά με ένα εικονίδιο "2x", το οποίο επιβεβαιώνει ότι τα κέρματα σας έχουν διπλασιαστεί.

Επίπεδο τυχοδιώκτη[ | ]

Νέο με ενημέρωση 1.37.0. Θα προστεθεί / βελτιωθεί σύντομα. Τώρα μπορείτε να κερδίσετε επίπεδα σε χάρτες περιπέτειας με τη συλλογή αστεριών. Η υψηλότερη κατάταξη είναι τώρα Canyoneer, το οποίο παίρνετε για 1.000.000 αστέρια. Κερδίζετε ένα αστέρι ανά κάθε νέο μετρητή έως 10.000 μέτρα ή 10.000 αστέρια.

Περιπέτειες[ | ]

Νέο με ενημέρωση 1.37.0. Θα προστεθεί / βελτιωθεί σύντομα. Κυρίως το Adventure Tracks, εκτός από το Sky Rock Outpost είναι πλέον ένας ειδικός χάρτης.

Ειδικοί χάρτες[ | ]

Νέο με ενημέρωση 1.37.0. Θα προστεθεί / βελτιωθεί σύντομα.

Εδώ έχετε περιορισμένες δοκιμές ανά ημέρα. Κάθε δοκιμή κοστίζει ένα κόκκινο εισιτήριο και έχετε 4, τα οποία ξαναγεμίζουν κάθε 24 ώρες. Για κάθε νέο μετρητή έχετε 3 αστέρια για το επίπεδο του τυχοδιώκτη.

Για να έχετε πρόσβαση σε αυτούς τους χάρτες, πρέπει να κερδίσετε αρκετά αστέρια σε επιλεγμένους χάρτες περιπέτειας.

Οι ειδικοί χάρτες είναι


Δασικές δοκιμές Sky Rock Outpost

Έντονη πόλη

Μαίνεται χειμώνα

Κορυφαίοι τυχοδιώκτες[ | ]

Νέο με ενημέρωση 1.37.0. Θα προστεθεί / βελτιωθεί σύντομα. Αυτό δείχνει μια λίστα με τους καλύτερους τυχοδιώκτες, εδώ μπορείτε να αναζητήσετε παγκόσμια, τοπικά και φίλους.

Εργασίες περιπέτειας[ | ]

Κάθε τόσο συχνά θα βλέπετε ένα εικονίδιο στη δεξιά πλευρά ενός επιπέδου περιπέτειας. Αυτά είναι καθήκοντα περιπέτειας - δημιουργούνται τυχαία, προαιρετικές προκλήσεις που θα σας ανταμείψουν με μπόνους. Τα περιεχόμενα αυτού του στήθους θα βελτιωθούν προοδευτικά καθώς θα φτάσετε σε περαιτέρω ορόσημα απόστασης. Το εικονίδιο εργασίας Adventure θα είναι είτε κενό(Distance task) ή χρυσό και θα περιέχει ένα συγκεκριμένο όχημα. Το κενό εικονίδιο δείχνει ότι μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε ένα όχημα της επιλογής σας. Εάν το εικονίδιο είναι συγκεκριμένου οχήματος, πρέπει να χρησιμοποιήσετε αυτό το όχημα για να κερδίσετε το στήθος ανταμοιβής (για παράδειγμα: εάν το εικονίδιο είναι του αυτοκινήτου του Ράλι, αυτό σημαίνει ότι πρέπει να χρησιμοποιήσετε το Αυτοκίνητο Ράλι). Εάν δεν έχετε το συγκεκριμένο όχημα ή δεν θέλετε να το χρησιμοποιήσετε, απλώς περιμένετε. Μετά από λίγο, εμφανίζεται ένα μικρό "x" στη γωνία του εικονιδίου εργασίας. Πατήστε αυτό και η εργασία θα διαγραφεί και μια νέα εκχωρείται στη θέση της.

Λίστα κομματιών περιπέτειας[ | ]

Μπορείτε να βρείτε μια περιγραφή κάθε χάρτη here.

Name Background Picture Cost to unlock Description
Countryside Adventure background countryside FREE N/A
Forest Adventure background forest 4,000 Coin Experience the peace and quiet of a national forest. With a race car!
City Adventure city 12,000 Coin Bill's favorite city neighborhood with tricky jumps and obstacles.
Mountain Adventure background mountain 30,000 Coin This track has its ups and downs. How many mountains can you conquer?
Rustbucket Reef Adventure background rustbucket reef 35,000 Coin Explore the mysterious sunken depths of

the Rustbucket Reef. Take a deep breath!

Winter Adventure background winter 40,000 Coin The perfect place to start exploring the wonders

of long distance travel. Are we there yet?

Mines Adventure background mines 50,000 Coin Venture down the mines. Who knows what

kind of treasures lies there?

Desert Valley Adventure background desert valley 60,000 Coin Bill's got a long road ahead.

Hopefully he wears enough sunblock!

Beach Adventure background beach 70,000 Coin Pack your towel and swimming suit.

Bill's heading to the beach!

Backwater Bog Adventure background Backwater bog 80,000 Coin Conquer the muddy slopes, smash through the

trash & dodge the alligators of the Backwater Bog.

Racer Glacier Adventure background Racer Glacier 80,000 Coin Brave the winds, avoid the geysers, keep out of the lava and watch out

for dinosaurs as you uncover the mystery behind the ancient Racer Glacier!

Patchwork Plant Patchwork-plant adventure icon 80,000 Coin Occupational Health & Safety? What's that?
Sky Rock Outpost Adventure background (moon) 2 Tickets Journey through space and set your tires

upon the unknown territory of the Moon!

Total Cost = 541,000 Coin

Special maps[ | ]

New with Update 1.37.0. Will be added/improved soon.

Here you have limited tries per day. Each try costs one red ticket and you have 4 which refill every 24 hours. For each new meter you get 3 stars for the adventurer level. To have access to this maps you need to gain enough stars in chosen adventure maps.

Name Background Picture Requirements to unlock Description
Sky Rock Outpost Adventure background (moon) RE Explorer Scout

or alternatively

200,000 Coin

Journey through space and set your tires upon the unknown territory of the moon!
Forest Trials Forest Trials RE 40,000+ stars in Forest A true test of skills awaits those who challenge these perilous trials
Intense City Intense City RE 30,000+ stars in City The ultimate balancing act between grippy tarmac and slippery girders
Raging Winter Raging Winter RE 30,000+ stars in Winter Battle against the blizzards and the bergy bits

Adventure Tracks Analytics[ | ]

  • Ακολουθούν μερικοί πίνακες που συνοψίζουν ό, τι μπορείτε να βρείτε σε κάθε χάρτη, ειδικά τοποθεσίες καυσίμων, πολλές δυσκολίες κ.λπ. Αυτό το θέμα δημιουργήθηκε ουσιαστικά για να βοηθήσει τους ανθρώπους να αποκτήσουν έναν καλύτερο προσωπικό καλύτερο δίσκο στους χάρτες περιπέτειας τους, με όλες τις πληροφορίες που χρειάζονται, χωρίς ξοδεύοντας πολύ χρόνο παρακολουθώντας βίντεο στο YouTube ή σε επαναλήψεις στο παιχνίδι. Τώρα μπορείτε να προβλέψετε τι θα ακολουθήσει μετά το προσωπικό σας καλύτερο !!!
  • Σημείωση: Οι πίνακες περιέχουν τα 3 επόμενα καύσιμα μετά το τρέχον WR (όλα τα οχήματα).
  • Εξοχή
  • Η περιπέτεια στην εξοχή ξεκινά πολύ επίπεδη και έχει πολλές γέφυρες (κερδίζετε ταχύτητα αν ληφθεί καλά), αλλά όσο μεγαλύτερη απόσταση φτάνετε, τόσο περισσότερο ένας ανώμαλος δρόμος θα δείτε, με πολλές ακανόνιστες αναβάσεις και κατηφόρες. Οι αχυρώσεις θα αρχίσουν επίσης να εμφανίζονται μερικές φορές. Ακολουθεί μια συνοπτική λίστα με όλες τις τοποθεσίες καυσίμων και τις μεγαλύτερες δυσκολίες (που περιγράφονται παρακάτω) στην εξοχή. Σχετικά με τις θέσεις καυσίμων, θα μπορούσαν να προστεθούν ορισμένες λεπτομέρειες σχετικά με το πού βρίσκεται ακριβώς το δοχείο.
  • Δυσκολίες:
  • Σιταποθήκες: Επικίνδυνα μέρη για οχήματα υψηλού ύψους! Πρέπει να οδηγείτε προσεκτικά εάν έχετε αυτόν τον τύπο οχήματος!
  • Ανεβείτε: Μπορούν να έχουν πολλές δυσκολίες, οι οποίες καθορίζονται ουσιαστικά από την απόκλιση:
  • Μεσαίο
  • Σκληρός
  • Πολύ δύσκολο
Adventure background countryside


Fuel position Fuel location

(in meters)

Gap between

2 fuels

(in meters)

Barn location

(in meters)

Medium, Hard and Very Hard Climbs

(in meters (from start to end))

Start Full tank
1st 150 150
2nd 300 150
3rd 450 150
4th 600 150
5th 800 200
6th 1,000 200
7th 1,200 200
8th 1,450 (bridge) 250
9th 1,700 250
10th 1,950 250
11th 2,250 300 Medium (2,117->2,150)
12th 2,550 300 Medium (2,715->2,734)
13th 2,850 300 Medium (3,125->3,142)
14th 3,150 (bridge) 300 3,227


15th 3,500 350 3,741


Medium (3,725->3,741)
16th 3,850 (barn) 350 4,179 Medium (3,883->3,898)

Very Hard (7,526->7,554)

17th 4,200 (after barn) 350 4,367 Hard (4,347->4,367)
18th 4,600 400 4,676 Medium (4,626->4,652)

Medium (4,753->4,773)

19th 5,000 (before barn) 400 5,007 Medium (5,125->5,139)
20th 5,400 (bridge) 400 5,315



21st 5,850 (bridge) 450 Hard (5,983->6,003)
22nd 6,300 (after a


450 Medium (6,372->6,396)

Medium (6,476->6,528)

23rd 6,750(climbing) 450 Medium (6,856->6,891)

Hard (6,986->7,031)

24th 7,200 (climbing) 450 7,266



Medium (7,339->7,347)

Very Hard (7,526->7,554)

Hard (7,676->7,732)

25th 7,700 (climbing) 500 7,835 Hard (7,820->7,833)

Medium (8,062->8,091)

Hard (8,110->8,129)

26th 8,200 (bridge) 500 8,478 Very Hard (8,221->8,273)

Medium (8,393->8,420)

Hard (8,613->8,642)

27th 8,700 (downhill) 500 9,197 Medium (8,751->8,827)

Hard (8,909->8,964)

28th 9,250 (downhill) 550 Very Hard (9,283->9,317)

Medium (9,559->9,589)

Very Hard (9,437->9,479)

Hard (9,685->9,702)

Hard (9,777->9,836)

29th 9,800 (climbing) 550 Very Hard (9,959->9,993)

Medium (10,108->10,152)

30th 10,350 (climbing) 550 10,817


Hard (10,500->10,558)

Hard (10,626->10,692)

Medium (10,762->10,817)

31st 10,950 (after barn) 600 11,025 Hard (11,001->11,025)

Very Hard (11,162->11,195)

32nd 11,550 (bridge) 600 11,640 Medium (11,565->11,597)

Hard (11,695->11,741)

Hard (11,854->11,895)

33rd 12,150 (after a

bridge; climbing)

600 12,439


Hard (12,245->12,305)

Very Hard (12,382->12,439)

Medium (12,542->12,592)

34th 12,750 600 12,906


Very Hard (12,783->12,809)

Very Hard (12,931->12,989)

35th 13,400 (downhill) 650 13,412 Hard (13,467->13,498)

Hard (13,639->13,683)

Hard (13,991->14,056)

36th 14,050 (climbing) 650 Very Hard (14,127->14,172)

Medium (14,515->14,581)

Hard (14,651->14,720)

37th 14,700 (climbing) 650 Hard (14,833->14,878)

Hard (15,177->15,217)

Very Hard (15,338->15,390)

38th 15,400 (bridge) 700 Medium (15,468->15,534)

Hard (15,729->15,781)

Very Hard (15,860->15,907)

Hard (16,031->16,060)

39th 16,100

(after a bridge)


Forest[ | ]

Forest adventure is one of the easiest, because you can reach high distances with pretty low power vehicles. It is the best adventure map for beginners who want to do a lot of kilometers or for earning coins. This adventure isn't as bumpy as the Countryside adventure (for example) but has a lot of regular climbs and downhills (Note: those won't be described below because they are repetitive); so you must pass them very well to have a chance to reach the next canister when driving at high distances. This adventure doesn't have big traps, because they can be easily passed with a good management of your vehicle. However, be careful of the logs which are almost everywhere on the map; it's the typical obstacle that can ruin your run. Watch out for Bill's head when driving near these obstacles. Here is a summarized list of all fuel locations and biggest difficulties (which are described below) in Forest.


  • Water Jumps: These jumps are dangerous, because if you fail one of them and dive in the water hole, you will die! Two types of jumps can be distinguished:
    • Type-A: A big log held by two ropes which is standing over the water hole to help you go over it.
    • Type-B: A small log held by only one rope (fixation point is at the center of the log) which is standing over the water hole to help you go over it. Be careful: the log could rotate around itself!
  • Swinging Logs: Sometimes, swinging logs may appear. They are usually swinging backwards and forwards. Two types of logs can be distinguished:
    • Type-1: The log is swinging near the ground. You can easily pass them if you take the small jump before it correctly.
    • Type-2: The log is swinging in the air. Be careful with high height vehicles if you drive one of them!
Adventure background forest


Fuel position Fuel location

(in meters)

Gap between

2 fuels

(in meters)

Water Jumps

location (in meters)

Swinging Logs

location (in meters)

Start Full tank
1st 170 170
2nd 290 120
3rd 410 120
4th 530 120
5th 660 130
6th 780 (downhill) 120
7th 900 120
8th 1,080 (downhill) 180
9th 1,260 180 Type-2 (1,281)
10th 1,440 180
11th 1,620 (log zone;

at the bottom)

12th 1,800 (climbing) 180
13th 2,000 200
14th 2,180 (climbing) 180
15th 2,420 240
16th 2,660 240 Type-2 (2,768)
17th 2,910 (downhill) 250
18th 3,150 (log zone;

at the bottom)

19th 3,390 240
20th 3,640 250
21st 3,910 (log zone) 270
22nd 4,240 330
23rd 4,540 (downhill) 300 Type-A (4,672)
24th 4,830 (log zone;

slow down!)

25th 5,150 320 Type-2 (5,411)
26th 5,450 (downhill) 300 Type-1 (5,703)
27th 5,750 (downhill) 300 Type-1 (6,060)
28th 6,110 360
29th 6,480 370
30th 6,830 350
31st 7,180 350
32nd 7,560 380
33rd 7,910 350
34th 8,290 380
35th 8,690 400
36th 9,140 450
37th 9,510 350
38th 9,980 470
39th 10,390 410
40th 10,810 420
41st 11,300 490
42nd 11,780 480
43rd 12,280 500
44th 12,780 500
45th 13,250 470
46th 13,740 490
47th 14,210 470
48th 14,780 560
49th 15,320 540
50th 15,860 540
51st 16,400 540
52nd 16,950 550
53rd 17,520 570
54th 18,050 530
55th 18,660 610
56th 19,270 610
57th 19,880 610
58th 20,450 570
59th 21,080 630
60th 21,670 590
61st 22,330 660
62nd 22,980 650
63rd 23,650 670
64th 24,320 670
65th 24,970 650
66th 25,650 680
67th 26,310 660
68th 27,030 720
69th 27,730 700
70th 28,470 740
71st 29,200 730
72nd 29,930 730
73rd 30,670 740
74th 31,400 730
75th 32,170 770
76th 32,950 780
77th 33,700 750
78th 34,520 820
79th 35,300 780
80th 36,080 780
81st 36,870 790
82nd 37,730 860
83rd 38,570 840
84th 39,400 830
85th 40,250 850

City[ | ]

This track is a decent choice for those who prefer asphalt racing. You can also go fast in this track. Be careful however, because in the city, there are lots of dangerous obstacles that look like something out of a movie (they are listed below). Some are rather easy, others may be more difficult (a fast vehicle is recommended). Down below you’ll also find the locations of fuel pickups.


  • Pitfalls: Gaps filled with water. Falling into them will lead to an instant death. They all have something to help you jump across. Note: There are waterless ones occupied by ship containers. Those don’t result in an instant game over and you can possibly escape them.
  • Draw Bridges: Bascule draw bridges that are constantly opening over water-filled pitfalls. These are rather easy to overcome: simply drive fast as you go across them (although not all of them are like that).
    • Type 1: Both ends are going up and down. Rather easy to over come
    • Type 2: Only has 1 side. Just as easy as Type 1
    • Type 3: Will lead you to drive on hanging iron beams or hanging ship containers. Some may have an opposite end.
  • Iron Beams: Found hanging over water. The position you land on them plays an important role because they will move. If you’re not careful, it could send you into a pitfall of water, thus resulting in a game over.
    • Type 1: Hangs by 1 rope. It can move depending on where you land on it.
    • Type 2: Hangs by 2 ropes. More stable than Type 1
  • Ship containers: Scattered across the track. They are an obstacle, especially for high-height vehicles. They can also be moved if they are hit hard enough or have a spot hanging in the air and it makes contact with the vehicle. (Note: There is a bug where the wheels may clip through the top of the container).
    • Type 1: Simply stands on the ground. They don’t really pose a threat, but can be an issue for high-height vehicles.
    • Type 2: A group of containers, stacked on each other. They may either be stacked well or unevenly.
    • Type 3: Containers that form bridges over waterless pitfalls (as mentioned earlier, these pitfalls here aren’t instant kill zones, and the player can possibily get out of them). Since these containers tend to hang over air, they are easier to cause to move than the ones completely on the ground.
    • Type 4: These containers hang on ropes over water. Just like the iron beams, they can tip depending on where the vehicle lands. None of them hang by 2 ropes.
Adventure city


Fuel position Fuel location

(in meters)

Gap between

2 fuels

(in meters)

Start Full tank
1st 160 160
2nd 300 140
3rd 420 120
4th 530 110
5th 650 120
6th 740 90
7th 890 150
8th 1,050 160
9th 1,270 120
10th 1,430 160
11th 1,620 190
12th 1,790 170
13th 1,980 190
14th 2,160 180
15th 2,420 260
16th 2,630 (⚠️ Located on a hanging container over water ) 210
17th 2,920 290
18th 3,180 260
19th 3,390 (⚠️Located inside of a hanging container ) 210
20th 3,690 (⚠️ Located on the very left edge of an iron beam hanging on 1 rope ) 300
21st 4,000 310
22nd 4,300 (⚠️ Located right above water, and inbetween the edge and a hanging container ) 300
23rd 4,580 280
24th 4,880 300
25th 5,190 310
26th 5,480 290
27th 5,800 320
28th 6,180 (⚠️ Located on the second hanging iron beam with 2 ropes ) 380
29th 6,520 340
30th 6,920 (⚠️ Located on the very left edge of a hanging container ) 400
31st 7,270 (⚠️ Located in a very tricky spot, inbetween a hanging container, and a hanging iron bean ) 350
32nd 7,650 380
33rd 8,000 (⚠️ Located inside a hanging container ) 350
34th 8,370 (⚠️ Located right above water, and inbetween the edge and a hanging container ) 370
35th 8,790 420
36th 9,210 (⚠️ Located right above water, and inbetween the edge and a hanging container ) 420
37th 9,660 450
38th 10,080 420
39th 10,480 400
40th 10,900 420
41st 11,420 520
42nd 11,900 480
43rd 12,380 480
44th 12,840 460
45th 13,380 540
46th 13,860 480
47th 14,340 480
48th 14,850 510
49th 15,370 520
50th 15,980 610
51st 16,520 560
52nd 17,080 560
53rd 17,610 530
54th 18,150 540
55th 18,730 580
56th 19,370 640

Mountain[ | ]

One of HCR2s original Adventure Levels, mountain has its fair share of steep hills and descents. After climbing a few thousand meters, the mountain dirt turns to snow (for about 500 meters) and then turns back to dirt as you descend. This level has occasional caves, slippery snow surfaces and steep hills. Vehicles such as Dune Buggy, Super Jeep, and Rally Car are highly recommended.


  • A lot of steep hills
  • A lot of bridges
  • Logs dangling on ropes (After a few thousand meters)
Adventure background mountain


Fuel position Fuel location

(in meters)

Gap between

2 fuels

(in meters)

Start Full tank
1st 130 130
2nd 210 80
3rd 290 80
4th 370 80
5th 450 80
6th 530 80
7th 610 80
8th 730 120
9th 850 120
10th 970 120
11th 1,070 100
12th 1,190 120
13th 1,330 140
14th 1,450 120
15th 1,610 160
16th 1,770 160
17th 1,930 160
18th 2,060 130
19th 2,140 80
20th 2,300 160
21st 2,460 160
22nd 2,660 200
23rd 2,830 170
24th 3,070 250
25th 3,270 200
26th 3,470 200
27th 3,890 420
28th 4,130 240
29th 4,370 240
30th 4,640 270
31st 4,910 270
32nd 5,180 270
33rd 5,420 240
34th 5,720 300
35th 6,000 280
36th 6,280 280
37th 6,580 300
38th 6,890 310
39th 7,440 550
40th 7,760 320
41st 8,090 330
42nd 8,400 310
43rd 8,720 320
44th 9,060 340
45th 9,430 370
46th 9,790 360
47th 10,180 390
48th 10,550 370
49th 10,910 360
50th 11,270 360
51st 11,630 360
52nd 12,000 370
53rd 12,390 390
54th 12,780 390
55th 13,200 420
56th 13,590 390
57th 14,010 420
58th 14,420 410
59th 14,860 440
60th 15,370 510
61st 15,800 430

Rustbucket Reef[ | ]

An underwater level, where your character and vehicle are submerged in water. They are protected by a bubble that encloses the vehicle. There are enclosed tubes in this level that you drive into and out of in order to create a new bubble, if the old bubble got popped. If your bubble gets popped, you loose the aerodynamic effect created by it and the water will slow you down.


  • Fuel canisters are rare
  • Steep Hills
  • Bubble recharge tubes often rare
Adventure background rustbucket reef

Rustbucket Reef

Fuel position Fuel location

(in meters)

Gap between

2 fuels

(in meters)

Start Full tank
1st 150 150
2nd 300 150
3rd 450 150
4th 630 180
5th 830 200
6th 1,100 270
7th 1,370 270
8th 1,710 330
9th 1,970 260
10th 2,240 270
11th 2,570 340
12th 2,870 300
13th 3,130 260
14th 3,280 150
15th 3,640 360
16th 4,020 380
17th 4,440 420
18th 4,850 (This fuel is only a available if you take the upper route) 410
19th 4,870 20
20th 5,320 450
21st 5,740 420
22nd 5,980 240
23rd 6,270 290
24th 6,430 160
25th 6,820 390
26th 7,410 590
27th 7,910 500
28th 8,440 530
29th 8,730 290
30th 9,000 270
31st 9,570 570
32nd 10,120 550
33rd 10,740 620
34th 11,340 600
35th 11,470 (This fuel is only a available if you take the upper route) 130
36th 12,030 560
37th 12,630 600
38th 13,300 670
39th 14,110 810
40th 14,350 (This fuel is only a available if you take the upper route) 240
41st 14,850 500
42nd 15,690 640
43rd 16,560 870
44th 17,300 740
45th 17,800 500
46th 18,160 360
47th 18,960 800

Winter[ | ]

The perfect map for exploring long distance travel! Are we there yet?

Winter has a lot of ups and downs in it. It starts out with small hills and slippery slopes. It has pools of water that are not a threat, provided your vehicle has enough grip. Fuel canisters are often rare in this level, so Low Fuel Boost is highly recommended. After a few thousand meters, ice castles are introduced. These are slippery, and have roofs that you can hit your character's head, causing you to Neckflip, or crash.


  • Long distance between fuel canisters
  • Ice castles
  • Slippery slopes
  • Snowmen that block the road
Adventure background winter


Fuel position Fuel location

(in meters)

Gap between

2 fuels

(in meters)

Start Full tank
1st 150 150
2nd 350 200
3rd 550 200
4th 750 200
5th 950 200
6th 1150 200
7th 1440 290
8th 1680 240
9th 1950 270
10th 2200 250
11th 2480 280
12th 2800 320
13th 3120 320
14th 3440 320
15th 3750 310
16th 4070 320
17th 4410 340
18th 4800 390
19th 5140 340
20th 5540 400
21st 5870 330
22nd 6290 420
23rd 6700 410
24th 7130 430
25th 7540 410
26th 7930 390
27th 8360 430
28th 8810 450
29th 9270 460
30th 9720 450
31st 10180 460
32nd 10690 510
33rd 11190 500
34th 11680 490
35th 12180 500
36th 12680 500
37th 13260 580
38th 13840 580
39th 14390 550
40th 14920 530
41th 15490 570
42st 16100 610
43nd 16730 630
44rd 17340 610
45th 17960 630
46th 18550 590
47th 19190 640

Mines[ | ]

Down in the Mines are all kinds of hidden treasure. But what’s also hidden are dangerous traps. Because this is a cave level, high height vehicles may have a more difficult time getting through, as the ceiling changes from high to low as you drive. If you are using a high height vehicle, or a vehicle where the driver is more exposed, the rollcage part may be recommended. Down below are the fuel locations, as well as the type of obstacles to look out for.

Note: There are branching paths, and you will find some fuel pickups on either the upper path or lower path. Plan carefully when it comes to fuel management.

• Rocks: While some are stationary, others can fall when they make contact with vehicles. Your vehicle can get stuck on the stationary rocks, so be careful!

• Lava: Your first encounter will be at 2037m. These lava pits come in different shapes and sizes; even the small ones can end your run, so take caution. Although they aren’t common at first, but as you drive further, they will start to reappear more often, to the point where stunt jumps will be made out of them.

• Giant Wheels: These are very heavy wheels found throughout the mine and they can crush you if you’re not careful. There are 2 types

  • Type 1: The wheel itself is at the top of a hill. Will start rolling after coming close enough to a trigger point or making contact with a vehicle. You can either wait it out or rush through.
  • Type 2: Wheel hangs by a chain. These are actually objects to help you make a jump. Although you don’t have to take them, you’ll have to go across them later on, as you’ll start seeing them hang above lava.

• Outside areas: These aren’t actually obstacles, but more of a change to the map, as the background will reveal a blue sky and the ceiling will be gone. You aren’t going to see many of these though (Only 2 in less than 10,000m).

• Downhill drops: You may also see these as you drive along. You will catch speed, but be sure you can slow down in time. Not many really dangerous traps in these areas.

• Uphill climbs : These can be tricky to overcome, especially when you get even further into the mines, as they will have lava pits as the very bottom, which becomes the incentive that you must make it or it’s game over. A fast vehicle is recommended for these obstacles.

Adventure background mines


Fuel position Fuel location

(in meters)

Gap between

2 fuels

(in meters)

Start Full tank
1st 170 170
2nd 410 240
3rd 650 240
4th 890 240
5th 1130 240
6th 1370 ( Upper path ) 240
7th 1610 240
8th 1840 ( Lower path ) 230
9th 2100 260
10th 2400 300
11th 2700 300
12th 2990 290
13th 3120 130
14th 3330 200
15th 3610 280
16th 3880 270
17th 4200 320
18th 4510 310
19th 4870 360
20th 5240 370
21st 5600 360
22nd 5990 390
23rd 6370 380
24th 6720 350
25th 7090 370
26th 7440 350
27th 7840 400
28th 8250 410
29th 8690 440
30th 9090 ( ⚠️ Located in between 2 lava pits ) 400
31st 9580 490
32nd 10010 430
33rd 10400 390
34th 10860 460
35th 11280 420
36th 11730 450
37th 12250 520
38th 12760 510
39th 13230 470
40th 13730 500
41st 14200 470
42nd 14670 470
43rd 15160 490
44th 15740 580
45th 16260 520
46th 16770 510
47th 17310 560
48th 17890 580
49th 18460 570
50th 19000 540
51st 19540 540
52nd 20070 530
53rd 20680 610

Desert Valley[ | ]

Desert Valley is a hot and long adventure but with a lot of various traps and speed tips. However, outside of traps, the road is quite flat, so it can be considered as a high speed map where you can go faster and offset the time you lost when going through difficult places. The more distance you reach, the more difficult traps you will see. Here is a summarized list off all fuel locations and biggest difficulties (which are described below) in Desert Valley.


  • Logs: Each log is held by 1 or 2 ropes (except for the Type-D) and will help you to travel a big hole which contains Deadly Quicksands (DQ) or nothing (/) (except for the Type-D).
    • Type-A: (60 meters long on average) A log which is held by 2 ropes (different fixation points on the log) and is always horizontal.
    • Type-B: (50 meters long on average) A log which is held by 2 ropes (different fixation points on the log) but, because the fixation points are at the same spot on a higher rock, they make the log follow an arc by swinging backwards and forwards.
    • Type-C: (50 meters long on average) A log which is held only by 1 rope and its fixation point is at the center of the log. This means that the log can rotate on itself, which makes the Type-C the hardest to cross over. You will need exact timing to hope getting through this trap!
    • Type-D: (70 meters long on average) 4 big logs which are standing (floating) on deadly quicksands. You must drive on those logs to go through this trap. Don't land on quicksands because you almost won't be able to go back on a log and you will die!
  • Caves: (80 meters long on average) Sometimes, caves will appear. Dangerous places for high height vehicles! Only one type of cave will be summarized, because this is the hardest one and can ruin your run. The following type of cave stands in 2 small rocks (there is a space between them) that helps you to continue driving over a sort of small hole which contains a DQ or /.
  • Sudden Climbs: Sometimes, big climbs appear, but they are short (45 meters long on average). This isn't really a trap dealing with the driver's head hitting something, but more a fuel trap. This means that, in the distance axis (X-axis), you will go way slower than on a flat road. So this category will help you to anticipate those climbs and reach the next fuel canister.
Adventure background desert valley

Desert Valley

Fuel position Fuel location

(in meters)

Gap between

2 fuels

(in meters)

Logs locations

(in meters)

Caves locations

(in meters)

Suddenly climbs

location (in meters)

Start Full tank
1st 150 150
2nd 250 100
3rd 350 100
4th 450 100
5th 600 150
6th 750 150
7th 920 170 Type-A (/) (1,090)
8th 1,160 240
9th 1,360 200
10th 1,560 200
11th 1,800 240
12th 2,080 380
13th 2,340 260
14th 2,580 240 Type-A (DQ) (2,625)
15th 2,890 310
16th 3,220 330
17th 3,550 330
18th 3,910 (before a


360 (/) (4,191)
19th 4,300 390 (/) (4,496)
20th 4,670 370 4,800
21st 5,100 (in a cave) 430 Type-B (/) (5,325)
22nd 5,540 (climbing) 440 Type-B (DQ) (5,607)

Type-D (5,770)

23rd 6,000 (climbing) 460 6,195
24th 6,420 (on a rock) 420 Type-C (DQ) (6,700)
25th 6,870

(stiff downhill)

450 (/) (7,285)
26th 7,320 (in a cave;

at the bottom)

450 7,460
27th 7,770 450 Type-C (DQ) (7,905)

Type-C (/) (8,042)

Type-D (8,195)

28th 8,350 (after a


580 (/) (8,835)
29th 8,870 (in a cave;

at the bottom)

30th 9,380 510 Type-D (9,889)
31st 9,980 600 Type-C (DQ) (10,076) (DQ) (10,389)

(DQ) (10,523)

32nd 11,140 (downhill) 1,160 (/) (11,552)
33rd 11,700 560
34th 12,300 600 (DQ) (12,425)
35th 12,890 590 13,418
36th 13,520

(stiff downhill)

630 (/) (13,574)

(DQ) (14,103)

37th 14,210 690
38th 14,870 (downhill) 660 (DQ) (15,229)
39th 15,570 (climbing) 700 Type-C (DQ) (15,953)

Type-C (DQ) (16,287)

(/) (15,803) 15,640
40th 16,300 (floating

over the mud lake)

730 Type-C (DQ) (16,671)

Type-C (DQ) (16,945)

41st 17,060 760 Type-C (DQ) (17,171) (DQ) (17,525)

(DQ) (17,691)

42nd 17,800 740 (/) (17,834)
43rd 18,560 (downhill) 760 Type-C (DQ) (18,589) (/) (18,807)

(/) (19,176)

44th 19,320 760 Type-D (19,694)
45th 20,130 810 Type-C (DQ) (20,511)

Type-D (20,695)

(DQ) (20,336)
46th 20,960 830 (/) (21,698)
47th 21,800 840
48th 22,650 850 (/) (22,954)
49th 23,480 830 Type-D (23,811)
50th 24,380 900 25,032
51st 25,220 840 Type-D (25,705)

Type-D (25,912)

52nd 26,150 (climbing) 930 Type-D (26,267) (DQ) (27,006)
53rd 27,090 950 27,872
54th 28,010 920 28,346


55th 28,910

(stiff downhill)

900 Type-D (29,566) 29,017
56th 29,860 950 Type-D (30,010)
57th 30,870 1,010 Type-D (31,343) (DQ) (31,138)
58th 31,910 (downhill) 1,040 Type-D (32,238) (/) (31,942)

(/) (32,776)

59th 32,870 960 Type-C (DQ) (33,166)

Type-C (DQ) (33,632)

60th 33,850

(top of a hill)

61st 34,880 1,030 (/) (35,329)

(DQ) (35,506)

(/) (35,668)

62nd 35,930 1,050 Type-C (DQ) (36,228) (DQ) (36,435)
63rd 36,980 (climbing) 1,050 Type-C (DQ) (37,646) (/) (37,464)

(DQ) (37,801)

64th 38,070 1,090 Type-D (38,822)

Type-D (39,986)

(DQ) (39,175) 38,130


65th 40,270 2,200 Type-D (40,376)

Type-C (DQ) (41,217)

Type-D (41,365)

(/) (41,031)
66th 41,450 1,180 (/) (41,530)

(DQ) (41,673)

67th 42,550 (downhill) 1,100

Beach[ | ]

Bill loves long drives on the beach!

Beach has steep hills, water and caves. It is a mix of all the previous Adventure Levels, containing water, slippy slopes, beach houses blocking the way and more. Fuel canisters are often rare after the 2,000 meter mark. Due to the steep slopes, vehicles such as the Dune Buggy are highly recommended. Low Fuel Boost is also highly recommended, due to the shortage of fuel in certain places. Vehicles such as Tractor and Tank are great at destroying the beach houses, but may suffer when climbing the many steep hills.


  • Long distance between fuel canisters
  • Steep hills
  • Beach houses
  • Water

Adventure background beach


Fuel position Fuel location

(in meters)

Gap between

2 fuels

(in meters)

Start Full tank
1st 150 150
2nd 300 150
3rd 450 150
4th 600 150
5th 800 200
6th 1,020 220
7th 1,270 250
8th 1,530 260
9th 1,800 270
10th 2,050 250
11th 2,360 310
12th 2,640 280
13th 3,030 290
14th 3,330 300
15th 3,690 330
16th 4,040 350
17th 4,470 430
18th 4,890 420
19th 5,270 380
20th 5,700 430
21st 6,140 440
22nd 6,600 460
23rd 7,080 480
24th 7,520 440
25th 8,030 510
26th 8,530 500
27th 9,030 500
28th 9,580 550
29th 10,130 550
30th 10,680 550
31st 11,270 590
32nd 11,900 630
33rd 12,590 690
34th 13,180 590
35th 13,870 690
36th 14,520 650
37th 15,180 660
38th 15,870 690
39th 16,590 720
40th 17,280 690
41st 18,030 750
42nd 18,910 880
43rd 19,660 750
44th 20,460 800
45th 21,260 800
46th 22,060 800
47th 22,860 800
48th 23,720 860
49th 24,600 880
50th 25,430 830
51st 26,440 1,010
52nd 27,340 900
53rd 28,250 910
54th 29,150 900
55th 30,090 940
56th 31,050 960
57th 32,020 970
58th 33,020 1,000
59th 34,080 1,060
60th 35,080 1,000
61st 36,180 1,100
62nd 37,250 1,070
63rd 38,300 1,050
64th 39,460 1,160
65th 40,600 1,140
66th 41,700 1,100
67th 42,850 1,150
68th 43,970 1,120
69th 45,120 1,150
70th 46,270 1,150

Racer Glacier[ | ]

  • Γίνετε ο πρώτος που θα εξερευνήσετε τον εγκαταλελειμμένο παγετώνα Racier!
  • Ο Racier Glacier είναι ένα δύσκολο επίπεδο για να το κατακτήσει. Έχει απότομους λόφους, ολισθηρές πλαγιές, άνεμο που φυσά το αυτοκίνητό σας και λάβα που μπορεί να καταστρέψει την πορεία σας. Σε περίπου 1000 μέτρα, θα συναντήσετε το πρώτο σας πραγματικό σπήλαιο. Για να ξεπεράσετε αυτό το εμπόδιο, θα πρέπει να πηδήσετε, να προσγειωθείτε σε μερικά οστά δεινοσαύρων και να συνεχίσετε προς το τέλος, προσέχοντας να μην πέσετε στη λάβα.
  • Μόλις περάσετε αυτό το ορόσημο, πρέπει να προσέξετε τους δυνατούς ανέμους που φυσούν εδώ. Είναι αρκετά ισχυροί για να χτυπήσουν το αυτοκίνητό σας μπροστά ή προς τα πίσω και μπορούν να καταστρέψουν την πορεία σας. Για αυτό το επίπεδο, συνιστώνται ιδιαίτερα οχήματα όπως το Super Diesel, επειδή είναι σταθερά και έχουν καλή απόδοση καυσίμου.
  • Δυσκολίες: Δυνατός άνεμος
  • Σπήλαια με λάβα
  • Απότομοι λόφοι με ολισθηρές επιφάνειες

Adventure background Racer Glacier

Racer Glacier

Fuel position Fuel location

(in meters)

Gap between

2 fuels

(in meters)

Start Full tank
1st 150 150
2nd 330 180
3rd 460 130
4th 630 (This fuel is only a available if you take the bottom route) 160
5th 840 (This fuel is only a available if you take the bottom route) 210
6th 1050 210
7th 1,250 200
8th 1,500 (This fuel is only a available if you take the bottom route) 250
9th 1,600 (This fuel is only a available if you take the upper route) 100
10th 1,750 150
11th 2,040 290
12th 2,280 240
13th 2,590 210
14th 2,890 300
15th 3,180 290
16th 3,540 360
17th 3,940 (This fuel is only a available if you take the upper route) 400
18th 4,240 300
19th 4,640 400
20th 5,040 400
21st 5,520 480
22nd 5,940 420
23rd 6,350 410
24th 6,840 590
25th 7,360 520
26th 7,560 (This fuel is only a available if you take the upper route) 200
27th 7,900 340
28th 8,400 500
29th 8,900 500
30th 9,400 500
31st 9,990 590
32nd 105?? ???

Backwater Bog[ | ]

  • Κατακτήστε τις λασπωμένες πλαγιές του Backwater Bog !!
  • Αυτό το επίπεδο έχει πολύ ολισθηρές πλαγιές, εύθραυστα αντικείμενα (όπως τροχόσπιτα, ψησταριά και καρέκλες γκαζόν) που πρέπει να σπάσουν για να συνεχίσουν προς τα εμπρός.
  • Το Backwater bog έχει επίσης πισίνες λάσπης, οι οποίες είναι παρόμοιες με την άμμο στην κοιλάδα της ερήμου.
  • Οι πισίνες με λάσπη καταπιούν το αυτοκίνητό σας, καθιστούν αδύνατη τη συνέχιση.
  • Δυσκολίες: Πισίνες λάσπης Νερό Εύθραυστα αντικείμενα Ολισθηρές πλαγιές

Adventure background Backwater bog

Backwater Bog

Fuel position Fuel location

(in meters)

Gap between

2 fuels

(in meters)

Start Full tank
1st 150 150
2nd 300 150
3rd 600 300
4th 800 200
5th 1,000 200
6th 1,200 200
7th 1,490 290
8th 1,760 270
9th 2,020 260
10th 2,310 290
11th 2,690 280
12th 2,990 300
13th 3,380 390
14th 3,770 390
15th 4,230 460
16th 4,670 430
17th 5,060 490
18th 5,500 440
19th 5,900 400
20th 6,360 460
21st 6,800 440
22nd 7,270 470
23rd 7,730 460
24th 8,280 550
25th 8,840 540
26th 9,340 500
27th 9,950 610
28th 10,470 520
29th 11,080 610
30th 11,730 690
31st 12,330 600
32nd 12,930 600
33rd 13,580 650
34th 14,230 650
35th 14,940 710
36th 15,600 660
37th 16,280 680
38th 17,060 780
39th 17,850 790
40th 18,670 820
41st 19,430 760
42nd 20,280 850
43rd 21,110 830
44th 21,930 820
45th 22,730 800
46th 23,540 820
47th 24,400 860

Patchwork Plant[ | ]

Επαγγελματική υγεία και ασφάλεια; Τι είναι αυτό?

Patchwork Plant
Fuel position Fuel location

(in meters)

Gap between

2 fuels

(in meters)

Start Full Tank
1st 150 150
2nd 210 (This fuel is only a available if you take the upper route) 60
3rd 470 260
4th 630 160
5th 830 200
6th 1,020 190
7th 1,350 320
8th 1,610 260
9th 1,890 280
10th 2,160 270
11th 2,460 300
12th 2,780 320
13th 3,120 340
14th 3,420 300
15th 3,770 350
16th 4,180 410
17th 4,530 350
18th 4,980 450
19th 5,450 470
20th 5,860 410
21st 6,310 450
22nd 6,760 450
23rd 7,210 450
24th 7,710 500
25th 8,330 620
26th 8,810 480
27th 9,310 500
28th 9,880 570
29th 10,470 590
30th 11,060 590
31st 11,640 580