Hill Climb Racing 2 Wiki
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Línea 155: Línea 155:
== Ligas (En Desarrollo) ==
== Leagues ==
[[File:Leagues-logo.png|thumb|173x158px|Climb Canyon League Logo]]
[[File:Leagues-logo.png|thumb|173x158px|Climb Canyon League Logo]]
Leagues is a team sorting system that introduced in 1.44 updates, that divide teams into 8 separate divisions and each team will battle opposing teams inside their division bracket, vying to improve their division ranking at the end of a season.
Leagues is a team sorting system that introduced in 1.44 updates, that divide teams into 8 separate divisions and each team will battle opposing teams inside their division bracket, vying to improve their division ranking at the end of a season.
Línea 276: Línea 276:
* ''CC stands for Canyon Champions.''
* ''CC stands for Canyon Champions.''
* ''Table that fills with "-" meaning that it does not allow the team to go up or down the division at a certain level.''
* ''Table that fills with "-" meaning that it does not allow the team to go up or down the division at a certain level.''
== Cofre de Equipo ==
== Cofre de Equipo ==
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